Friday, May 21, 2010

Should It Stay or Should It Go?

I've been busy organizing plenty of closets lately, and I've gotten the same questions over and over again. "When should I throw this out?"

I can't help but hearing the song lyrics to the classic song by The Clash, "Should I Stay or Should I Go."

My answer is always GO. Let it go. My general rule of thumb is that if you have not worn something in over a year, GET RID OF IT. There are usually 4 reasons why we hold onto something instead of getting rid of it...

First, it's too tight. And, deep down inside we dream of fitting back into the size 4 dress. But, lets face it. If it's been over a year, are we really going to? And, if we do lose some weight, don't you think we'll want new clothes to show off our new figures? So, unless it's a premium designer that you've invested a good bit of money on, get rid of it. That way when you do lose the weight, you can treat yourself to a few new pieces of clothing.

Second, it's too big. Boy, that's a problem we all wish we had. Bottom line - get rid of it. Someone out there could be using it.

Third, we bought a piece of clothing on sale, get it home, and hate the way it looks on us. But, we keep putting in on over and over again in a different way in hopes that it will look good one day. Sorry, but it probably won't. So, why waste the space on it. Get rid of it.

Fourth, it's a really trendy piece. Don't get me wrong - trends circulate all the time. But, is your trendy piece really worth holding onto for five to ten more years to wear again? Probably not. Again, unless it's a premium designer that you've invested in, get rid of it and make way for new trends.

I'm a big believer that if your closet is in order, your day-to-day life will be in better order. So, take the step today, sing The Clash while doing it, and get rid of the things you aren't wearing!

If you need help, call Laura at Redress to set your closet straight. Check out the website at for more details.

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