Monday, March 21, 2011

Accessory Report: Gold & Black

As spring arrives with all of it's color, don't forget about accessories. And, there are some definite accessory trends on the horizon. One important trend is mixing black and gold - although this actually isn't a new trend since CoCo Chanel started making black and gold handbags years ago. But, it's definitely a trend that is being resurrected this spring.

Now, in the state of Louisiana the colors black and gold synonymously go hand-in-hand with the Saints. So, it can be a little hard for some of us to wear it without thinking of going tailgating. However, it's always a chic color combination and everyone needs to think outside the box.

Mixing black and gold can be a certain mix of trendy and classic that is always chic. So, try introducing some black and gold jewelry into your spring wardrobe. Or, try investing in some black and gold shoes or handbag. Because even though this is a trend in some people's eyes, black and gold will always be here to stay!

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